this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
back and neck injuries are endemic in professional dancers !
leg, back and neck injuries are endemic in professional dancers !
“ issues around the concept of enlightenment and mental stability ”
you have to be completely unhinged and unfixed
to become enlightened
a shooting star that has gone back up to the heavens :o)
and this is the big but, you must pass as hinged and sorta fixed :o)(
“ issues around the concept of enlightenment and mental stability ”
you have to be completely unhinged and unfixed to become enlightened
a shooting star that has gone back up to the heavens :o)
and this is the big but, you must pass as hinged and sorta fixed :o)(
orange_rocket asks
i'm curious if anyone has known a monk or zen practitioner with bipolar disorder
how have they gotten on over the years juggling their disorder and monastic life ?
read my write up on using nutritional low dose
lithium !
psychiatric lithium does poison you ! :o()
you can't become enlightened unless you are bipolar
but in fact it needs to kept to “ mood swings ”
the mood swings act like a pump, don't really know why
but the depth and height goes somewhere ! :o)
“ zen truths never revealed before ! ” :o)
bipolar from the zen perspective is order rather than disorder which is why it so hard, but when you are the stars and spit at the sun you will see ! :o)(
ifeelpouringrain writes
what to do about nothing
we can, like headless chicken, attempt fix our mind with our mind or sit like old men have tried to do for centuries til it eventually dawns on our frail selves that we are the universe, which is something equally as bizarre
neither of these are acceptable
that's very good !
we have to re/build ourselves as joshu's stone bridge, and it all becomes acceptable ! :o)
there really is something to this that is rewarding
but gets lost or forgotten by most people ! :o()
ewk writes
buddhists who say “zen” don't study and can't answer questions
alan watts says “no meditation in zen” and carl bielefeldt says “no meditation in zen” and d. t. suzuki says “no meditation in zen”
[...] buddhism isn't a cure for self deception any more than any other religion
and I say no zen, no meditation but meditation ! :o)
happy dreaming pile of rubble ! :o)(
happy dreaming you pile of rubble ! :o)(
happy dreaming
you pile of rubble ! :o)(
dharmabumzz pontificates
you really believe zen masters are sociopathic lunatics ?
definitely sociopathic minus the criminal !
you milksop , you never left your mothers breast ! :o()
dharmabumzz replies
Lol, why would I, patriarch?
not suggesting you do, i'm all for a comfortable life, it's just that to garner what zen is really about you will have to abandon your conformism, which is actually really a skill !
you are too guided by the opinions of others and not enough of your own person
which I guess would be frightening ! :o)(
very hard to be adrift without bearings, but that is the
way ! :o)(
“ you really believe zen masters are sociopathic lunatics ? ”
definitely sociopathic minus the criminal !
you milksop
, you never left your mothers breast ! :o()
“ you really believe zen masters are sociopathic lunatics ? ”
definitely sociopathic minus the criminal !
you milksop, you never left your mothers breast ! :o()
“ you really believe zen masters are sociopathic lunatics ? ”
definitely sociopathic minus the criminal !
you milksop, you never left your mothers breast ! :o()
i write
this is typical of a
garbled recording !
what he really means is people try to approach it from the wrong sort/a very divided semantic pragmatic space ! :o(
pistaf replies
It's interesting that you mention pragmatism
do you consider being pragmatic an impediment to the way?
or is that only the case when join with semantics and division?
my reply
I was just reading about “way”
, it's actually a
daoist term and I was thinking that this quote was really very daoist which shows how things were in zen in 850? ce which would have been about when the quote was made !
actually pragmatism is much more of a reliable guiding light than semantics !
it's really failed semantics I am talking about, not the failure of semantics per se and that is also what joshu is saying, the understanding he is criticizing is faulty............. for instance he is claiming a correct expression and this is what has got garbled !
you can see it every where, zen says there is no self, yet people do nothing but talk from the point of view of self, so what do they expect ? : o(
this is
typical of garbled recording !
what he really means is people try to approach it from the wrong sort/a very divided semantic pragmatic space ! :o(
this is
typical of a garbled recording !
what he really means is people try to approach it from the wrong sort/a very divided semantic pragmatic space ! :o(
this is
typical of garbled recording !
what he really means is people try to approach it from the wrong sort/a very divided semantic pragmatic space ! :o(
“ extended wakefulness is linked to
injury to, and loss of, neurons that are essential for alertness and optimal cognition, the locus coeruleus neurons
[...] sleep is more important than was previously believed
in the past no one really thought that the brain could be irreversibly injured from sleep loss, it's now clear that it can be ”
a reddit askdocs
Pernicious tinea pedis
I have a case of moccasin style tinea pedis ‑ confirmed with a lab-tested skin scraping by my GP ‑ that has withstood the following treatment attempts
in chronological order over the past year
1. Tolnaftate 1% spray
2. Over the counter powder
3. Tolnaftate 1% cream
4. Terbinafine cream, used for approx. 2 month, including 3 weeks of wearing only sandals
5. Alternating daily vinegar solution soaks, chlorine solutions soaks, and baking soda solution soaks for several weeks straight (I was trying to PH-shock the fungus to death)
6. Most recently, after having had blood work to approve my liver health, I completed 30 days of oral terbinafine during which time the symptoms began to subside but after a few days off the pills the symptoms are back in full force
Are there any suggestions please? I would be ever grateful for a solution.
zinc based nappy rash creams are very good for any skin fungal infection !
his later response !
I just wanted to say thanks!
I've been “ penatin ” (18% zinc oxide) for the past 10 days and I'm almost totally cured
To be determined if it lasts, but this is the best my feet have looked yet
I will try Desitin (40% zinc oxide) next !
my reply
i'm in Australia and am using
resolve and used to use daktozin, they are 15% zinc oxide and .25% miconazole (an anti fungal!)
the big area where people go wrong in zen is they don't read quality or widely enough and as a result meditation just digs them deeper into the usual foul cesspit of stupidity
that some on reddit zen are so illustrative of !
maybe you should read something like “ the wisdom of jesus son of
sirach ”
that sort of street smarts you might relate to ?
the trouble people like
tenshin have is they have families to support and have to work and they really cannot put in a fraction of the work necessary............... I do this full time and in a way have done so most of my life and lived most of it celibate.............
your problem is to get value and productive development from what will also have severe time and priority limitations, so really imo getting some sort of understanding about life and how it works is way the best way to go, the true/real zen I do is too life dysfunctional and catastrophic for me to recommend it to others at all ! :o()
it's just so simple really but just about all zen teachers make the same mistake, 100% zen kills you and you really have to have been celibate for most of your life to have survived that ! :o(
so this modern implementation of the suburban
married with kids zen is some stupid fantasy about practice and mediation that is
just so screwed up !
blitzidus writes
wtf is wrong with me?
recently I've started watching the anime highschool DxD
and I think I have fallen in love with one of the characters
yes, one of the characters
her name is reias gremory
like wtf is wrong with me?
she isn't even real !
I've finished the series and I'm now genuinely depressed
wtf do I do now ?
I'm a 15 year old male
lol, read some Emily
Dickinson and fall in love with her ! :o)
three meds means nine times greater severity with some
(and often less well known !) side effects
lol, this truth is not liked, but really doctors keep very quiet about med combination problems !
“ but what could be spoken of the ineffable that's true? ”
infinity is identity with one's self ! : o )
“ but what could be spoken of the ineffable that's true? ”
infinity is identity with one's self ! :o)
“ but what could be spoken of the ineffable that's true? ”
infinity is identity with one self ! :o)
“ it was a clarity like i had never experienced and i just thought it's all going to be ok ”
they (ed. ‘spiritual’ people) don't actually do the process, so they all waffle on “about” so it's never doing ! :o()
that's the real big thing I notice, when you actually do something you are so close to what you are doing that you don't really enter into fixed theories because that closeness means things are changing and that obsoletes old view's ! :o()
lilsocrates asks
what does zen buddhism say about anxiety and depression?
I know little to nothing about buddhism
I am a former christian now turned atheist agnostic
but I've always been enchanted by zen buddhism; the ideas of reincarnation and being in the present and being one with the universe and what not (as you can clearly I know very little so forgive my ignorance and misunderstanding) has always fascinated me.
my question is, as a sufferer from depression and anxiety, I was wondering what the zen says about such mental issues/illnesses?
thank you!
vitamin K2 helps with depression and microdose nutritional
lithium helps with anxiety and you need to get the
dietary factors right
however your interest in reincarnation says you just want to sail out blind
as most/like most people do ! :o(
apart from that reincarnation is for fools and the lazy, all the great masters were chronic depressives (and sometimes manic) and no doubt had anxiety issues as well !
you claim to want forgiveness for your “ ignorance and misunderstanding ” by promoting non zen monist views, but actually you don't do you ?
non duality is full of fools like you........................ :o(
“ I have just started to study zen buddhism and have started meditating recently
I was focusing on my breathing at some times and on a singularity at others
I kept feeling the urge to sleep or I felt like I should lay down
how do I fight this off?
what shall I do to combat this? ”
it's a mistake to focus !
really it's contemplation or decompression, like last night there was full moon so I just went outside with a chair after midnight and sat there for half an hour (this is in the country!) and I got a bit cold and went back in and sorta just flopped in another chair by the woodheater for an hour or so, maybe thought through a few things, maybe didn't
one of the most productive times is to stay in bed for half an hour after waking,
you can think your day out abit ! :o)
but I don't actually think there is any particular resolution to the being sleepy question ! :o)(
just don't get too sleepy and mess your circadian
rhythm ! :o)
writes (foolishly lol ; o)
zhaozhou is famous for “ the stone bridge of zhaozhou ”
sometimes when people would ask him about it, he would say, “ cross over! ”
i don't know what your talking about
i'm not convinced that you do either.
: o)
when you are enlightened ewk you move from “ i'm not convinced ” to being sure !
so to me it's as plain as daylight you are not enlightened and that won't change !
you don't understand the stone bridge koan, I am the stone bridge and therefore on both sides, you are unconstructed rubble on one bank pretending to be a bridge, the bridge is enlightened and the pile of stone rubble is not !
buddhism, zen, christianty, islam, it all is just vocabulary and the quality bits in each matter and the voynich doesn't !
“ I realize I've done a poor job explaining my
position so far ”
you've got this fake humility, you use the word arrogance because you are so familiar with it !
and have picked up the wrong stuff about zen and tenshin is not enlightened though he seems a decent sort !
so what's happened, because you have picked up the wrong stuff, and you then meditate, it screws you up...............
but of course you just perceive this advice as “ arrogance ” !
I was looking at this
video here, exactly the same problem, a silent retreat, but they only get more screwed up because of the very wrong minded “ spiritual advice ” they get !
it's actually 25 years of sorting this sort of thing out, but hey does that count ? :o(
3 meds means 9 x some (and they can be rarer!) side effects being more severe !
you are hardly elaborating are you, disguise and
obfuscation is your style !
intelligent self revelation is an essential skill to develop, being frank about yourself and what you do within certain limits and even outside those limits enable others to offer insight and view/s from different angles that help one break out of some usual maladaptive mindset !
intelligent self revelation is an essential skill to develop, being frank about yourself and what you do within certain limits and even outside those limits enable others to offer insight and views from different angles that help one break out of some usual maladaptive mindset !
intelligent self revelation is an essential skill to develop, being frank about yourself and what you do within certain limits and even outside those limits enable others to offer insight and view/s? from different angles that help one break out of some usual maladaptive mindset !
intelligent self revelation is an essential skill to develop, being frank about yourself and what you do within certain limits and even outside those limits enable others to offer insight and view from different angles that help one break out of some usual maladaptive mindset !
tai chi
buddhism and the knights
of ni went to sleep
charles bukowksi swung in his ferris wheel beneath and above the silver seas reading carlyle............
cutting the paper summers of gnomes and grease and the assassin shoots himself
he is gonna
pale spot
I N C A R C E R A T E S !
tai chi
buddhism and the knights
of ni went to sleep
charles bukowksi swung in his ferris wheel beneath and above the silver sea reading carlyle............
cutting the paper summers of gnomes and grease and the assassin shoots himself
he is gonna
pale spot
I N C A R C E R A T E S !
tai chi
buddhism and the knights
of ni went to sleep
charles bukowksi swung in his ferris wheel beneath and above the silver sea reading carlyle............
cutting the paper summers of gnomes and grease and the assassin shoots himself
he is gonna
pale spot
reddit zen
I N C A R C E R A T E S !
ed. allusions from 36:10 and 36:34 in the video just below !
love is a fog that burns with the first
daylight of reality
“ Aikido IS Buddhism ‑ Is that a
lie or truth? ”
it's a lie !
ni , it's the truth, no it's lie, omg it's a truth/lie
aikido looks like reddit zen to me ! :o)
“ tony matelli said that he knows of no plans to move the
‘ it was placed there because you can see it from the upstairs exhibition room, and it becomes part of the show in a different way, when you see him through the window while you’re warm inside looking at the other 20 sculptures, that one feels more misplaced, and more vulnerable ’ ”
so there you have it, the quintessential American angst, a middle aged man in underpants sleep walking, no doubt completely unaware this is a side effect of the combination of the 6,300 meds he is now on ! :o)( ”
what's zen about this?
it's a visual koan and really quite profound ! :o)(
I really can't emphasize the number of people I have seen go into zen and come out more stupid and less able to express themselves than before they went in !
I really can't emphasize the number of people I have seen go into zen and come out more stupid and less able to express themselves than before they went in
you are too bruising and hurt me too much, i guess you could say the same of me ! :o()
you are too bruising and hurt too much, i guess you could say the same of me ! :o()
you are too bruising and hurt too much, i guess you could say the same of me ! :o()
dave st. germain writes
did you have any choice in being childless? That makes a difference...
since you like bukowski, you might be interested in this documentary about
he seemed like a mixture of authenticity and facade, vulnerability covered over by layers and layers of drunken posturing
you'll notice that living and interacting with people provided fodder for his writing; he was not cynical enough to retreat from society (though maybe booze was his retreat)
avoiding having children was a combination of women avoiding me because i was too damaged and my own running for the exit before any relationship ever developed !
was smart
never realized it at the time ! : o )
charles bukowski said that if he didn't drink he would have committed suicide, but i think the drinking made him ultra dependent on writing for memory
and the development of his “ understanding of life ”
retreating from society is not “ cynical ” but sane ! :o)(
“ over the past couple of years, I've had an issue with evacuating completely
I always feel like there is something left, which is usually the case, because I'm defecating small amounts throughout the day
most of the time when wiping, I can't quite get it all, it's frustrating!
[...] I assumed I had a decent gut flora with my diet, which is similar to the scd diet ( I do my best to stay away from processed sweets / flour, etc )
I love kimchi, kombucha, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and a wheat grass supplement that has additional bacteria ”
yeah, the problem is the ecoli in the kimchi and kombucha !
the scd sorta got changed in Elaine gottschall's last years due to the bad influence of some people, but really the scd isn't favourable to fermented vegetables !
The biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate
diet is very much improved imo and
fixes several problems with the scd diet !
the wheat grass supplement will be problem too !
the problem with fermented vegetable/plant matter products is the uncontrolled cultures which really can have anything in including ecoli !
yogurts are much better in this respect !
fame of a sort i guess ! : o ) ( .
. . }
. . . {
fame of a sort i guess ! : o ) ( .
. . }
. . . {
fame of a sort i guess ! : o ) ( .
.. }
. ..{
fame of a sort i guess ! : o )(
fame of a sort i guess ! :o)(
fame of a sort i guess ! :o)(
if i run
as fast as i can
i'll outstrip reality
and trick it
into rearrangement...
lol, it re-arranges into the same old patterns ! :o)(
a huangbo quote
above all it is essential not to select some particular teaching suited to a certain occasion, and, being impressed by its forming part of the written canon
regard it as an immutable concept
why so?
because in truth there is no unalterable dharma which the tathagata could have preached
people of our sect (ed. ch'an) would never argue that there could be such a thing
yet there is an unalterable dharma, it's just not what people say though ! :o)(
yet there is an unalterable dharma, it's just not what people say though ! : o ) (
sepehr g. writes
there is something fundamentally flawed with mankind's self-consciousness
lol, right on the nail ! :o)(
the window's closed, just
move on !
“ the moving finger writes; and, having writ
moves on : nor all thy piety nor wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a line
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it ”
the window's closed, just
move on !
“ the moving finger writes; and, having writ
moves on : nor all thy piety nor wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a line
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it ”
the window's closed, just
move on !
“ the moving finger writes; and, having writ
moves on : nor all thy piety nor wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a line
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it ”
how does
non duality differ from zen ?
how does
non duality differ from zen ?
how does non duality
differ from zen ?
one of the problems of the net is to get
over involved in lives that have nothing to do with you, except a certain commonality of stupidity ! :o()
one of the problems of the net is to get over involved in lives that have nothing to do with you, except a certain commonality of stupidity ! :o()
there's nothing wrong with anger, one just needs to get the benefit of the energy and focus and not the problems of alienating others !
the amsler grid test is easy to do on the net and tells you quite a bit about the state of your retina !
you are in a
world medicine doesn't have adequate tests or answers for, you need to stop proxying responsibility onto medicine and start working and researching things out for yourself, you are not going to improve any other way ! :o)(
writes apoem
funny you post that as i just went back home from sitting on a park bench
of a city i moved in a few days ago
i don't know how much time i sat there but i had the same kind of thought at some point
this time i went through the effort of writing a poem :)
in the midst of a remote city,
children playing, dogs running.
cars roaring under the bright moon,
birds chirping over the villa's roof.
new born grass innocently growing,
an old man resolutely jogging his way around.
thoughts coming and going,
why stir noodles on a full stomach?
shadow fingers untying frontiers' laces,
the broken show's complete.
andrew : you mean incomplete ! :o(
onesubtlestep : which makes it complete
andrew : another fake zen master who thinks he has had the fundamental insight ! :o(
onesubtlestep replied
I've never claimed such a thing
I don't hold any “ fundamental insight ” on a throne like you're used to do everyday around here
If that's what you call having a fundamental insight then be my guest
reply !
yes you did, you contradicted my reply !
like you know better and you are not a victim of monistic bullshit !
having the fundamental insight is to be able to see in and past the crap the no nothing dull headed, blinkered morons claim to be the zen of the ancients ! :o(
at least you did a poem, it's a step forward from the usual nonsense here, your own thoughts melded in some sort of synthesis, the next step is to get some original insight of you own and not monism ! :o(
a city hardly remote
the usual bullshit tostart, like this phantom nonsense is somehow real
a monistic squatted on abench
defecated and put his varicoloured shit
for applause
children playing, how benign
the cruelty disguised, children on drip feeds of parental dispassion
stir fry noodles stirring in the brain
and he
calls this thought ! :o()
the poem is a big improvement, you just want to do it more how you really think and not some fake overlay of how you think zen says it should be !
cutting brutal observations is where the old masters were at, not this fake neo advaita monism that passes these days for thought ! : o)(
ah well you are in the prison of your own imagined bars,
you could walk through them but won't :o(
malign biofim/microbiome
networking in very young children
predisposes to type 1 diabetes !
my email to xyz
you are overconfident in your own opinion and not searching enough in detail !
when the detail work breaks your back you know you are getting it right !
: o)(
his reply
that's a strange thing to say about my opinion on wheat....
my girlfriend of a year and a half broke up with me last night
add it to the long string of back breaks
my reply
it's all about children and whether you will have any.......................... i am childless and don't regret it at all ! :o)(
my comment was more in regard of “zen” but then who is interested in what it is really about and doing the work and actually zen is some sort of limitation............................
wide, wide the narrow world ! :o)(
you are overconfident in your own opinion and not searching enough in detail !
when the detail work breaks your back you know you are getting it right !
you are overconfident in your own opinion and not searching enough in detail !
his views on actors and acting is very insightful !
koan ! :o). { ! . } . ¡ . . . . )
( ed. the series below ! :o)
koan ! :o). { ! . } . ¡ . . . . ) {. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
( ed. the series below ! :o)
the black moon went to the red sea and jumped over the moon
and said “ hey diddle dee ! ” :o)(
the black moon went to the red sea and jumped over the spoon
and said “ hey diddle dee ! ” :o)(
the red moon went to the black sea and jumped over the tune
and said “ hey piddle dee ! ” :o)(
the red moon went to the black sea and jumped over the tune
and said “ hey piddle h e e ! ” :o)(
here's a koan
the black moon went to the red sea and jumped over the moon
and said “ hey diddle dee ! ” :o)(
the black moon went to the red sea and jumped over the spoon
and said “ hey diddle dee ! ” :o)(
the red moon went to the black sea and jumped over the tune
and said “ hey piddle dee ! ” :o)(
the red moon went to the black sea and jumped over the tune
and said “ hey piddle h e e ! ” :o)(
here's a koan
the black moon went to the red sea and jumped over the moon
and said “ hey diddle dee ! ” :o)(
a rather elegant
study that tells you a lot more than its ostensible aims
ed. trialling the effect of using the ancient wheat strain khorasan/kamut on a group of 20 IBS sufferers compared to regular modern wheat
the main one is that wheat and no doubt all grains (perhaps to a lesser extent!) induct and increase pro-inflammatory cytokines !
since aging is in part about an unwanted increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, it would make sense to cut back on wheat and grains !
the other thing is that we are now eating a wheat with a much higher pro inflammatory heft compared to our evolutionary design................... diabetes, metabolic syndrome, no doubt the list of flow on effects is endless.................. ! . } ¡ .
. - {
What gastroenterologists are taught at medical school dates back to the sixties
and hasn't really advanced since then ! :o(
It's just starting to change
now , but actually it's really up to the person with the condition to get
the knowledge !
basically what gastroenterologists have to offer is nasty operations and medications that don't work well and have a lot of side effects, so they are best avoided ! :o(
mujushinkyo, not only are you unelightened
you are anti- enlightened !
mujushinkyo, not only are you unelightened
you are anti- enlightened
: o (- - ) . .¡ }. .{
. . . { } ! ¡ . . . . . ¡ ⎽ . . .
mujushinkyo, not only are you unelightened ,you are anti- enlightened !
mujushinkyo, not only are you unelightened ,you are anti- enlightened !
: o (- - ) . .¡ }. .{
. . . { } ! ¡ . . . . . ¡ ⎽ . . .
a setting moon with a shooting
a shooting star with a setting moon
a yellow moon just tucking down below the hill across the paddocks
4 am
a massive shooting star - like a wide lightning streak
What does/
a yellow moon just tucking down below the horizon
4 am
a massive shooting star - like a wide lightning streak
What does/
a true zen master
1. manic ‑ depressive ( muzhou daozong breaking yunmen wenyan's leg as a result of slamming a gate shut on it )
muzhou deliberately slammed the door on yunmen's leg breaking it
a big deal in those days, easy to die from that sort of thing ! :o()
that's manic
man !
dharmabumzz replies
I'm saying that any one violent act cannot diagnose mania
mania can only be diagnosed by looking at a series of actions over a week's time
thus, deliberately breaking a leg is not pathognomonic. read the DSM.
the DSM is for those malign retards called psychiatrists !
actually I found a sort of
biography of him, he knows what he is on about ! :o)(
“ one day when the master was standing on the stone steps of
the corridor, a monk came upon him and asked, ‘ where is the
chamber in which old reverend master chên lives ? ’
the master took off his sandal and beat the monk on the head with it
the monk was about to leave, the master called to him, ‘sir ! ’
the monk turned his head and looked back
the master pointed to him and said, ‘ please leave that way ! ’ ”
2. socially incompetent
3. intellectually asinine
4. has speech difficulties
5. obsessive
6. functionally insane without warranting incarceration ! :o)
7. too lazy to be a serial killer ( nan-ch'uan cuts the kitty in half ! :o()
8. appreciative of the arts and beauty!
9. misogynist blurred with being a sucker for women !
10. the other side of suicide ! : o( ) : o )(
a true zen master
1. manic - depressive ( muzhou daozong breaking yunmen wenyan's leg as a result of slamming a gate shut on it )
2. socially incompetent
3. intellectually asinine
4. has speech difficulties
5. obsessive
6. functionally insane without warranting incarceration ! :o)
7. too lazy to be a serial killer ( nan-ch'uan cuts the kitty in half ! :o()
8. appreciative of the arts and beauty!
9. misogynist blurred with being a sucker for women !
10. the other side of suicide ! : o( ) : o )(
religions are just a real life role playing games ! :o)(
religions are just a real life role playing games !
religions are just a real life role playing games
religion is just a real life role playing game ! :o)(
religion is just a real life role playing game !
religion is just a real life role playing game
zen is just a real life role playing game ! :o)(
it's just a real life role playing game ! :o)(
it's just areal life role playing game ! :o)(
it's just areal life role playing game ! :o)(
“ the sagittal scans
obtained during external stimulation and vaginal penetration demonstrated that the root of the clitoris is not involved with external clitoral stimulation
in contrast, during vaginal stimulation, because of the movements and displacements, the whole clitorourethrovaginal complex and the clitoral roots in particular are involved, showing functional differences depending on the type of stimulation
the color signal indicating flow speed in the veins mirrored the anatomical changes ”
there are two different types of female orgasm !
it's an interesting reflection on what it takes to make women get fertilized to bear children, with intelligence comes a clear perception of the risks of childbearing !
an interesting
insight on
s. mutans and
c. albicans forming a tooth biofilm in preschool children exposed to excessive levels of sugar ! :o(
an interesting
insight on
s. mutans and
c. albicans forming a biofilm in preschool children exposed to excessive levels of sugar ! :o(
what is that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !?
where you are not !
what is that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !?
where you are not !
what is that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !?
where you are not !
what is that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !
what is that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !
where you are not !
voynich is endless, therefore to decompress voynich is endless ! . :o) :o( . . ! . { . }
voynich is endless, therefore to decompress voynich is endless ! . :o) :o( . . ! . :o( . :o)
voynich is endless, therefore to decompress voynich is endless
voynich is endless therefore to decompress voynich is endless !
voynich is endless therefore to decompress voynich is endless !
voynich is endless therefore to decompress voynich is endless
voynich is endless therefore to decompress voynich is endless
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless so the decompression of voynich is endless
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless so the decompression of voynich is endless
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless so the decompression of voynich is endless - - - !
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless so the decompression of voynich is endless ‑ ‑ ‑ !
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless,
so the decompression of voynich is endless . . . !
there are only a few essential mystical truths, but voynich is endless,
so the decompression of voynich is endless !
the writings below on insanity and sanity, are themselves more than tinged with sanity and insanity, they are what they are describing ! :o)(
the writings below on insanity and sanity, are themselves more than tinged with sanity and insanity, they are what they are describing !
the writings below on insanity and sanity, are themselves more than tinged with sanity and insanity, they are what they are describe
the writings below on insanity and sanity, are themselves more than tinged with sanity and insanity, they are what they are describing
the writings below on sanity and insanity, are tinged with sanity and insanity, they are what they describe
the writings below on insanity and sanity, are themselves tinged with insanity and tinged with sanity, what they describe is what they are
you are too worried about words such as “sane” and “insane”
Where do you think these definitions exist?
in the heart of god/Buddha/infinity ! :o)(
you are too worried about words such as “sane” and “insane”
Where do you think these definitions exist?
in the heart of Buddha ! :o)(
! .
life is a madhouse ruled by fools : o ) .
. .}
. {
life is a madhouse ruled by fools : o ) .
. .}
life is a madhouse ruled by fools !
life is amadhouse ruled by fools !
life is amadhouse rules by fools !
life is amadhouse ruled by fools
life is a madhouse ruled by fools
how do you know you are enlightened ? !
god knows, you know, infinity knows and Buddha knows ! :o)(
no-one else, they don't know or think you a
: o
how do you know you are enlightened ? !
god knows, infinity knows, you know and Buddha knows ! :o)(
no-one else, they don't know or think you a
: o
how do you know you are enlightened ? !
god knows, infinity knows, you know and Buddha knows ! :o)(
no-one else, they don't know or think you a
: o
mujushinkyo : take your meds and shut up!
andrew : early dementia ?
mujushinkyo : ongoing schizophrenia?
andrew : it's the sanity that bothers me ! :o(
mujushinkyo : clearly!
when the sane is insane
you will walk with the moon
with the
this is called enlightenment : o)
mujushinkyo replies
you are too worried about words such as “ sane ” and “ insane ”
Where do you think these definitions exist?
when you get enlightened you will go with the flow in insane and insane !
how do you know you are enlightened ? !
god knows, you know and Buddha knows ! :o)(
no-one else, they don't know or think you a
: o
mujushinkyo replies
You are mistaken. The heart of Buddha doesn't define anything at all. It is the inconceivable
yeah, I know your view, it's heterodox, you are not enlightened so we will differ forever !:o)(
I've seen plenty like you stupid and ignorant and so willing to be that rather than pay any price which would take you away from the human into that very strange but beautiful heart of infinity or Buddha !
you can say anything you like but all it is (are the ramblings ! :o )(
of one who has never been there ! : o)(
when the sane is insane
you will walk with the moon
enlightenment !
o )
when the sane is insane
you will walk with the moon
enlightenment :
when the sane is insane
you will walk with the moon
enlightenment :
ted jenssen writes
It seems that when you called me “schizophrenic” it was a term of endearment!
I don't make any criticism that i'm not !
it takes one to know one and
schizophrenic !
life is just a madhouse joke and voynich
self !
“ but she believes that our
difference is a conflict that needs to be resolved ”
good line
they all do and it never stops ! :o(
“ but she believes that our difference is a conflict that needs to be resolved ”
good line
they all do and it never stops ! :o(
contrary to what it might appear, this is a very
polished performance by a clever young man on how to avoid self - incriminating !
his ability and the benefit of very sophisticated legal advice ( at some point! )
has paid big dividends ! :o)(
“ if your grandfather had prostate cancer, what can you do at a younger age
to reduce your chances of having it? ”
apparently BPA
exposure as a child is an important factor !
basically estradiol (the main female hormone and must be estradiol and NOT estriol!) turns on a lot of cardiovascular protective factors at the genetic level
female cardiovascular problems greatly increase with menopause ! :o(
HRT , though not a complete answer is very helpful for this !
basically estradiol (the main female hormone and must be estradiol and NOT estriol!) turns on a lot of cardiovascular protective factors at the genetic level
female cardiovascular problems greatly increase with menopause ! :o(
harry potter and energy/tarot/role playing/occult crap
porridge for brains ! :o(
insolent to
boot !
unafraid to walk
a very interesting
study , illuminating both HIV and lupus !
HIV cunningly adapts itself to look like the bodies tissues so that the only effective antibodies against it are also A U T O R E A C T I V E !
lupus is a disease that lacks the usual filtering of autoreactive antibodies so can eventually make effective antibodies against HIV, but this antibody also attacks the bodies own double stranded DNA !
no wonder the HIV vaccines to date have been conspicuous failures ! : o(
a role for
B cells with mutated
thresholds in lupus !
an extract from the Zazenshin
fishes are swimming like fishes.
the sky is wide, clear through to the heavens,
and birds are flying like birds.
my reply
the water is dirty, right down to the sewer.
dogen is a turd
morons swim like morons ! :o(
the sky is dirty right through to the smokestack
and birds behave
like birds !
the world is full of scum, but journalism seems to have a higher proportion ! :o)
the world is full of scum, but journalism seems to have a higher proportion : o) !
the world is full of scum, but journalism seems to have a higher proportion : o)
the world is full of scum, but journalism seems to have a higher proportion
you are basically asking how to handle reddit zen !
the only rule I have found for any message board, or responding to a blog post, is that what you write must benefit yourself primarily
writing a post must make you think and sort yourself out more so that after writing it, you have moved forwards a bit !
like when I write this, I am thinking, like you about my involvement in reddit zen and how I handle it . . . . . . . . . :o)
you should be blazing a new path into new interesting territory and that keeps everything fresh !....................
if other posters do nothing but try to reinforce their own viewpoint then they are serving you and if they wish to kill/crucify themselves that way, who am I to complain ! :o)
life is a moving field and if you don't move with it, there is trouble, if others take the trouble to keep me moving but don't move themselves, then that's (a sort of ! ; o ) justice !
the other thing to realize is that the composition of these boards is highly abnormal, just as I am abnormal/you are abnormal, but there is an awful lot of schizophrenia,
you can call it zen, you can call it schizophrenia .............!
: o ) §
the foot is the area where the venous return is most problematic
and a troublespot from that point of view
vein valve problems combined with the extra pressure can spill white blood cells into any damaged area (s!) !
“ I am chronically cold and I'm not anemic according to my doctors but I wonder if I should be worried about my excessive heating pad use ”
with magnetic fields, wether it's cell phones held against the head or heating wires against the body you get an interaction resonating the iron atoms in cells and free radicals generated !
the magnetic fields very close to electric heating pad wires are quite intense and too high imo !
I presume your heating pads are AC and not DC, DC of course induces far less resonance, but I haven't come across any household use heating pads running off DC ! ?
I think people are crazy to hold cell phones against the head and pregnant women shouldn't use them at all !
a koan/story from volume 3 of the zen and zen classics series
translated/authored by r. h.
blyth !
when nanquan was living in his hermitage, a monk came, and nanquan said, “ i must go to work on the mountain. please make some food, eat yourself, and bring me my share ”
the monk made his own meal, ate it, broke up everything in the hermitage, and lay down and slept. seeing that the monk did not come, nanquan went back to his hermitage.
seeing the monk lying there he lay down too. the monk got up and went off.
in after years nanquan said, “ before i was living here, when i was in the hermitage, this clever monk came to see me. i have never seen him again ”
ewk comments
how many such houseguests can you find around today?
my comment
it's a dai kensho poem, if you are clever when your house breaks up you will understand it, otherwise
N E V E R ! :o)(
good koan choice ewk !
rogerology asks
could you share the poem?
what I meant was the the story/koan itself was a sort of poem !
it's a different space that requires a holistic mode of thinking to approach !
that actually is an exceptional koan, it's a real joy to discover that some of these ancients knew what they were on about, one's interest in zen feels validated !
the abysmal crap from the current crop of teachers is depressing as is all the nonsense that every man and his dog pollutes the web and its message boards/blogs with !
please note that living as a hermit, that solitude and communion with nature is an important part of the koan/poem ! :o)(
what I find interesting about the gospels is their complete anonymity of the authors, there is no evidence of them being any sort of historical person !
I think joseph atwill's
thesis that the gospels and christianity was a put up job by the roman empire as a “conqueror friendly religion” in particular targeting the replacement of that very “conqueror
unfriendly religion ”
, Judaism, has some credence !
the reality of creative
writing courses !
well delivering is the difference between a con and being real !
you ain't delivering !
ed. my comment to ted jenssen of reddit zen who repeatedly
deflected and avoided answering my question about if he had any real life zen experience !
yeah I gather you have done a lot of drugs (lsd?) and it's fucked your brain basically ! :o(
over definite, sorta manic but not quite, low serotonin
ah well........................... :o(
I had a druggie neighbor so I know about the dishonesty
you lot couldn't tell the truth if paid ! :o)
I know you haven't had any real life zen experience, too obvious by your complete lack of self awareness, but I can see extracting that info from you is like the tip of an iceberg of information you don't want to, and are unable to disclose ! :o(
maybe you meditate, just digging yourself (into!) a deeper cess pit ! :o()
you have posted about your drug use, i'm not going to say more except that some people can get turned schizophrenic with only small amounts of LSD, in your case I can't guess but the way you are here shows severe damage !
I have never seen/come across anyone who has been “enlightened” by drug use, they get stuck in some parallel but not synchronous/identical process
to the real (unreal ! :) mystical path
I don't think the experiences are helpful but it's the footprint of brain damage that sorta permanently curtails any real understanding, so of course they just masturbate on reddit or the hard core zen blog for ever, polluting the world until they die, lucky world ! :o)(
lsd is supposed to reduce migraine and pot makes for better
sleep , but there are
alternatives and as I say the real issue is permanent brain damage, just as with alcohol.......................
but reddit zen is full of these turds who not content with anesthetizing themselves to life want to impose their bullshit as well,....... so, if you are in the cesspit (reddit zen ! ) you should expect to get splashed/covered ! (note to myself !)
bodidharma was autistic, you have to see that in yourself
and pretty much everything follows from that !
basically you (ed. ted jenssen) need to supplement and improve your eating, a quick easy one tho expensive is to take about 1000mg a day of a quality krill oil (marine stewardship council sourced)
that's got DHA and EPA in a phospholipid base and really improves
the thinking and brain function
it's complex and a lot of work and basically pretty well everyone
prefers to die slowly than do it ! :o(
reddit zen is as good a place as any to slowly die on isn't it!?
sorta one long stupid delusion ? ! ? : o(...} .. ,..{}
I presume you don't
sleep well ?
it pays to record your Hb each time you donate to get an idea of your ferritin levels and watch for extended fatigue over several weeks after donating because this is the major issue with long term donators !
also in my opinion apheresis is not healthy for the donor but the donor/collection center will tell you the opposite !
my advice on
iron and donation ! :o)
what has god to do with time ? !
what has god to do with time ?!
what has god to do with time ?!
what has god to do with time ! ?
what has god to do with time !?
what has god to do with time ?
what has god to do with time
since when is zen “ bend with the wind ” maudlin stupidity and cowardice ! ?
break injustice, always seek, always be a maladaptive
throw the dharma back in the cesspit ! :o)(
the problem with spilling the sort of crap
you do is the way you yourself are poisoned ! :o(
I guess you don't mind, but you have to be unobservant not too ! :o(
curds retain saturated fats and whey retains the phospholipids !
“ serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin ‑ three brain hormones that affect social behaviour ‑ are all activated by vitamin D.
vitamin D activates the gene that makes the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase 2, which in turn converts the essential amino acid tryptophan to serotonin in the brain
there is also evidence that the gene that makes the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase 1 is inhibited by vitamin D, which subsequently halts the production of serotonin in the gut and other tissues, where it is known to promote inflammation when found in excess ! ”
iodine constantly evaporates from the lugols liquid into the air space above it in the bottle, so the more air space the faster the evaporation
it's very difficult to gauge the iodine concentration from the colour
so basically the concentration in a bottle is always dropping with time
iodine tincture being an alcohol solution is more stable but still has the same problem, but nothing like as severe as the lugols !
hope is not reality is it
junk !
crap born out of an overinflated view of your own understanding ! : o (
hope is not reality is it
junk !
crap born out of an overinflated view of your own understanding ! :o(
hope is not reality is it
junk !
crap born out of an overinflated view of your own understanding ! :o(
“ a student asked , ‘ what is the answer to all questions? ’
the guru answered , ‘ another question ’ ”
“ a student asked , ‘ what is the answer to all questions? ’
the guru answered , ‘ another question ’ ”
the 7th patriarch replied
“ a student asked , ‘ what is the answer to all questions? ’
the guru answered , ‘ another question ’ ”
the 7th patriarch replied
archaeoculus writes
ted reminded me of a bodhidharma I drew
ed. ted jenssen had posted a
drawing of bodhidharma
lol, I am the bodhidharma I draw ! :o)(
zinc based nappy rash creams are very good for any skin fungal infection !
it's like the shakers, all collapsing because there's no one young coming through !
reddit and the web is the new paradigm ! :o)(
and real life hermits ! :o)
I actually think modern technology has made being a hermit much easier, those monasteries were born out of the necessity of communal living to grow food, cook and for protection against the usual brigandage !
dave st. germain replies
It makes sense that the one who fit in the most was the guy who spent a lot of time in prison
I'm sure one of the reasons why young people aren't joining monasteries of any type is that being gay is no longer the stigma it once was
They don't need to retreat to the cloister
The shakers were impressive, though -- industrious, innovative, and artistic
Celibacy was a tough sell for people, though.
Have you watched Andrei
Rublev yet?
well, i'm not sure how much celibacy there was in monasteries and convents when I look at
lol, I get depressed enough without watching Andrei Rublev
lol, i've just had jehovah's witnesses at my door ! :o)
it's like the shakers, all collapsing because there's no one young coming through !
reddit and the web is the new paradigm ! :o)(
and real life hermits ! :o)
I actually think modern technology has made being a hermit much easier, those monasteries were born out of the necessity of communal living to grow food, cook and for protection against the usual brigandage !
it's like the shakers, all collapsing because there's no one young coming through !
reddit and the web is the new paradigm ! :o)(
and real life hermits ! :o)
I actually think modern technology has made being a hermit much easier, those monasteries were born out of the necessity of communal living to grow food, cook and for protection against the usual brigandage !
alan watts is part of your
issue , if you think bozo's like him know what they are on about then you are going to get fucked over aren't you
lol fucking yourself over , you crazy man !
read some
Emily dickinson f. c. s. !
alan watts is part of your
issue , if you think bozo's like him know what they are on about then you are going to get fucked over aren't you
lol fucking yourself over, crazy man !
read some
Emily dickinson f. c. s. !
alan watts is part of your
issue , if you think bozo's like him know what they are on about then you are going to get fucked over aren't you
lol fucking yourself over, crazy man !
read some
Emily dickinson f. c. s. !
alan watts is part of your
issue , if you think bozo's like him know what they are on about then you are going to get fucked over aren't you
lol fucking yourself over, crazy man !
read some
Emily dickinson f c s !
the problem with dogen is not wether he went to
china , which he did, but that he only became fully/properly enlightened in his last months of life !
so all the bozos quote and follow his earlier very confused bullshit and massacre their pinhead brains with wrong minded zazen !
having read very widely all my life saved me from going the usual crimped zen zen wacko in my sitting days and actually made them quite productive !
no wonder zennists are so screwed up, their 1/4 arse reading and understanding just sets them up to self-kill in the wrong way ! :o()
kirkirus, you're a good example of someone being very damaged by zazen and idiot reading !
basically dogen's late poetry shows enlightenment, most of his previous work is just crazy !
people don't appreciate it takes twenty or thirty years to understand from dai kensho.................
it's a great pity he didn't live longer
as it is he is a sucker trap for the bozos of which there seem to be an almost endless supply............... :o(
I would challenge anyone who thinks different to come up with writing of dogen's from an earlier period that shows he was enlightened ! :o)
“ look, here she comes
now , bow down and stare in wonder ”
so who is your “ zen teacher ”
just try and answer and not deflect ! ?
pull yourself up out of the ranks of the zen damaged !
I guess you won't ! :o(
just a small effort, to talk about your rl zen experience !!!!
“ just what we all need more lies ”
well you took that on board didn't you !
the problem is you are not even fooling yourself ! :o(
be like ewk, fool yourself, don't reply to me !
“ oh how we love you, no flaws when pretending ”
ok, I think that last line is what you really needed to quote
“ without the mask where will you hide? can't find yourself, lost in your lie ”
the lie is of course that you understand zen when the truth is you “ anti ” understand it !
like the rest of the deluded fools on reddit !
great song btw ! ;o)
way more to it than 99% of the bullshit quoted on reddit zen ! :o()
an “askdocs” redditor writes
post gallbladder removal, doctors have a much different view than what i researched
i had my gallbladder removed four months ago due to a low ejection fracture that was making it difficult for me to eat so i decided to take the surgery option and have it removed.
i was told i would be able to eat fully normal and the only real risk was chronic diarrhea
since the surgery i have had a much harder time eating than before, even food i was able to tolerate before kill me now
the pain is much stronger now and can last for a week
from what i read on here, other sites, and people i have spoken to, this is a very common problem. the only way i remotely control the pain is with omeprazole and a probiotic
i spoke to my surgeon and two gi doctors who both said this should not be happening and now i am undergoging tests to find out what the cause of the pain could be.
so my question is why are my doctors saying the complete opposite of what i am reading and seeing myself? that this pain that seems present in most gallbladder removal patients, is in fact not tied to the surgery
we don't eat enough fat so all these gall bladder problems develop !
it's way too frequently removed ! :o(
what do hitler, mother teresa and marylin munroe have in common ?
the hunting of the snark !
what do hitler, mother teresa and marylin munroe have in common ?
“ the hunting of the snark ! ”
what do hitler, mother teresa and marylin munroe have in common ?
“ the hunting of the snark ”
what do hitler, mother teresa and marylin munroe have in common
“ the hunting of the snark ”
what do hitler, mother teresa and marylin munroe have in common
“ the hunting of the snark ”
i reprimand timdavid
you are hopeless, haven't even read what I wrote in my first
reply , you have no fucking idea do you, total idiot !
i love you, man. thanks for everything. < 3
endless fake.......................
. .
} .
i reprimand timdavid
you are hopeless, haven't even read what I wrote in my first
reply , you have no fucking idea do you, total idiot !
i love you, man. thanks for everything. < 3
endless fake.......................
} .
“ The ego takes advice as
criticism my friend ”
god a failed con artist, fool yourself with your bullshit but not me !
h u b r i c t o x i c r e t a r d s
you are just up yourself, plain wrong and won't concede
what life must tell you in spades ! :o(
you can't even see it can you, never been an inch beyond your cage door, doing some perverted process that you call criticism and out of your mouth spurts rat shit ! :o()
them that will have me, do, and them that won't don't : o )(
them that will have me, do, and them that won't don't : o )
them that will have me, do, and them that won't don't !